Rapamycin Longevity Labs Fundraising Campaign (mTOR inhibitors #1)

Raised Amount : $26,600.00
53 % Completed
53 %
Target Amount : $50,000.00
Remaining Amount : $23,400.00
20 Funder(s)
Contribution Amount ($)

Project: In this revolutionary project the Rapamycin Longevity Lab will coordinate a lifespan analysis of 601 mTOR inhibitors in the roundworm ‘C. elegans’. No one has delivered anything close to the magnitude of unique data around mTOR inhibitors that this project will deliver.

Why screen mTOR inhibitors? Rapamycin is an mTOR inhibitor and promising longevity intervention with highly reproducible longevity effects in multiple species. Everything from yeast, worms, flies to mice show improved healthy lifespan with rapamycin treatment. This is unique when it comes to longevity interventions. But there is a big gap in the literature around how good rapamycin is compared to other mTOR inhibitors. While many mTOR inhibitors have been developed, no systematic effort exists to find the most effective mTOR inhibitors for improving healthy lifespan. This is something we need to answer and this project is an important first step in that direction. The end goal is improved human longevity.

Use of innovative technology: The world leading longevity researcher Matt Kaeberlein and a team of scientists co-founded the company Ora Biomedical to accelerate longevity interventions development using high-throughput, high-quality discovery science. In this project their innovative WormBot-AI technology will be used to screen a collection of commercially available mTOR inhibitors in a highly efficient and cost-efficient way.

Public data: The lifespan data from this screen will be publicly available on Ora Biomedical’s open access Million Molecule Challenge online database at no charge. This data will be a valuable source for taking longevity research around mTOR inhibitors to the next level.

Time of delivery: The goal is to start the project as soon as it is fully funded. Once funded, data will start being released within three months.

Project budget: 50,000 USD for the first sub project where 300 of the 601 mTOR inhibitors are screened. This is a very low price for the large amount of data we will get and for moving the longevity field forward. Ora Biomedical provides the project to the public and all the money will go directly to them to conduct and cover the costs for the screening of the mTOR inhibitors. Rapamycin Longevity Lab will coordinate and project lead this project and will not take part in any commission or provision.

For more information, please see the full project documentation.

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