Welcome to the Million Molecule Challenge's Data Hub!
Please see below for the online and open access Million Molecule Challenge database! As more experiments are conducted and analyzed, additional data will be included. For more information on the MMC and how to sponsor interventions, click here!
By accessing the database you accept the MMC Terms and Conditions.

Advice on data interpretation
At Ora Biomedical Inc. we conduct rigorous science with the goal of producing the highest quality, reproducible data. While a single promising result is exciting (and a negative result may be disheartening), please keep in mind that this data represents a single experiment performed at a single dose. Treatments are compared to matched solvent-only controls conducted at the same time to protect against any inter-experiment variation. Insights gleaned from this study only reflect the specific dose and testing regime used. For context, highly promising interventions produce lifespan extensions above 30%, depending on drug dosage and other environmental factors.
If you have questions regarding your treatment, feel free to reach out and we will do our best to contextualize the data for you. There are often many more insights gleaned from the data than are necessarily represented by a single lifespan curve. For instance, a lower than expected amount of animals reported may indicate that an intervention caused a fleeing response and the worms “walled” themselves on the edge of the petri plate. While we analyze and track these behaviors internally, it will not be currently available as part of the MMC database. Please note, we pool data from all control populations tested along with your treatment and as such that number will sometimes greatly exceed that of treated animals.Â
Don’t yet see an intervention that you’ve sponsored? That just means it’s working it’s way through our experimental, analysis and QC workflows and you’ll see the results soon!

Lastly, do not get discouraged by a negative result! As we explore chemical space, understanding which treatments do not effect aging is as important as finding the ones that do! Keep in mind that the number of treatments with no or negative effect on aging will be greater than those that increase lifespan. Often these results are not published in academic research which can result in wasted resources and effort as others try and re-try an experiment. In addition to the publicly available dataset, the data from your sponsorship is added to the Ora Biomedical internal database, which is the largest, highest quality, and most experimentally consistent longevity dataset ever created!

Research Methods:
Experiments were conducted at the indicated temperature using adult N2 Bristol Caenorhabditis elegans from the Caenorhabditis Genetics Center. Animals were grown from egg to enrollment in the study at 20C from age-synchronized populations on nematode-growth-media (NGM) agar and fed with laboratory grown E. coli bacteria. At late L4 larval stage, 20-25 animals were transferred to NGM agar supplemented with either the compound(s) of interest or relevant solvent controls. Floxuridine was added to prevent progeny production. Observations were made every day using the WormBot automated capture platform and images were analyzed via the WormBot-AI analysis pipeline. All sponsored compounds were tested in at least two replicate populations. Data was pooled across these replicate populations and compared to pooled control data. To assess whether the tested treatment extended organismal lifespan, we compared treatment to solvent control using a standard log-rank statistical test.Â
Thank you for your support of the Million Molecule Challenge!
Questions? Comments? Want to design a custom set of experiments around your intervention of interest? Use our contact us form below!Â